TCS Technical Interview Questions
What does static variable mean? What is a pointer? What is a structure? What are the differences between structures and arrays? In header files whether functions are declared or defined? What are the differences between malloc() and calloc()? What are macros? what are its advantages and disadvantages? Difference between pass by reference and pass by value? What is static identifier? Where are the auto variables stored? Where does global, static, local, register variables, free memory and C Program instructions get stored? Difference between arrays and linked list? What are enumerations? What is a class? What is an object? What is the difference between an object and a class? What is the difference between class and structure? What is public, protected, private? What are virtual functions? What is friend function? What is a scope resolution operator? What do you mean by inheritance? What is abstraction? What is a data structure? What does abstract data type means? Evaluate the following...