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A few Interesting applications of Nanotechnology...

 The field of science which looks forward a boom every day is definitely, nanotechnology. It deals with particles that are very small in size( about 10^-9 m).The main idea upon which nanotechnology relies is that the original properties (either physical or chemical) of a substance gets changed when the size of the substance is reduced to nanoscale. Below given are a few interesting applications of nanotechnology… • When water is simply allowed to flow through copper nanotubes, an emf is generated along the surface of the tubes( thereby generating current). The current produced is directly proportional to the speed of the water. • Gold and silicon nanoparticles are red but their original colour in bulk state is yellow and grey respectively. These elements have their melting points 4 times reduced being in the nanoscale than being in a bulk state. • Photovoltaic cells (which generate current from solar energy), made up of nanoparticles absorb more energy than the thin film sheets