
Showing posts from April, 2011

Anthrax. The culprit...

 Anthrax is a lethal disease caused by bacteria named Bacillus Anthracis. It affects humans and other animals, causing physical disorders and fatigue. It can survive upto many decades or even centuries, by forming themselves as dormant endospores. These endospores become active only when they find a suitable host for its livelihood. Humans get infiltrated by these germs through inoculation of infected blood or skin or by consuming flesh of infected animals. Most domestic animals get these pathogens by grazing. This bacteria spreads through contacts of infected regions of flesh or other organic materials like paper, cloth, etc. A few years backs, world witnessed anthrax bacteria as an ingredient of more deadly biological weapons. The first country to be attacked with biological weapons made of this bacterium is US. Shortly, after the September 11 attacks, letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to different destinations in the country. This attack was named Amerithrax by the...

What happened to Fukushima in March 2011...?

Japan suffered from worst of the disasters this year.  The calamities went worse to the possible levels, as a major nuclear accident accompanied a strong earthquake and a subsequent tsunami.  This nuclear accident is considered second only to the worst ever nuclear accident at Chernobyl and is the largest in the history of Japan.                                                                                      Fukushima is a major industrial town in the northwest coast of Japan.. On 11, March 2011, an earthquake with reading 9 on the Richter’s shook areas close to Tokyo, having its epicenter on the islands of Honshu. This earthquake drove a series of huge tsunami waves to the coastal areas present around.   As Fukushima’s nuclear power station was...

A quality clash. Is IPL to be blamed for that...?

Indian Premier League which is famously abbreviated as IPL is the one, which drives many youngsters crazy in particular seasons. Almost from all important regions in the country there is a team, and so, people who have a good passion towards cricket get a team to support. There are two ways in which people support IPL teams. Certain groups support teams of their regions and certain groups support teams in which their icon player plays currently. Cricket fans with a higher devotion to the game pass their time of watching the match with a little bit of heat by cheering and shouting. Here is an incident where something went wrong. Still it is puzzling whether IPL can be blamed or not for everything which happened . I’m an undergraduate student and in my college people from all over India stay and study. This happened in one of the hostels within our campus premises. There are a handful amount of students from each state which implicitly means each and every team in IPL has got fans in my...

A few Interesting applications of Nanotechnology...

 The field of science which looks forward a boom every day is definitely, nanotechnology. It deals with particles that are very small in size( about 10^-9 m).The main idea upon which nanotechnology relies is that the original properties (either physical or chemical) of a substance gets changed when the size of the substance is reduced to nanoscale. Below given are a few interesting applications of nanotechnology… • When water is simply allowed to flow through copper nanotubes, an emf is generated along the surface of the tubes( thereby generating current). The current produced is directly proportional to the speed of the water. • Gold and silicon nanoparticles are red but their original colour in bulk state is yellow and grey respectively. These elements have their melting points 4 times reduced being in the nanoscale than being in a bulk state. • Photovoltaic cells (which generate current from solar energy), made up of nanoparticles absorb more energy than the thin film she...