Inception of the search for Aliens...
Astronomers from the University of California are in the busy detection of signals of the aliens on planets that are similar to Earth, using radio telescopes. This is supposed to be the largest array of steerable telescopes ever built. They look for possible planets around eight stars in an hour, at an average.
The gigantic dish setup of the telescopes gathers about 24 hours of data on each of the planetary systems. The planets to be probed by the telescope are selected from a list of 1235 planets identified by the Kepler Space Telescope.
Kepler survey provides information about a larger domain of planets, which could also be considered for the short-listing phase, involved in the sequential processes with the array of radio telescopes. Kepler survey employs a telescope named The Green Bank, to gather data. This telescope is to gaze at a star for about five minutes and find the planets associated with the star at the instance that have surface temperatures at which liquidity could be maintained. The candidate planets shall have temperatures between 0 and 100 degree Celsius, as it is believed that only at these temperatures life can find sanctuary.

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