Lay offs...
The organization doesn't know the impact on the employee when he is just said to walk away from the job one day due to many reasons for which he is not directly responsible! He might have a number of commitments & plans which he must attend to with his income like loans, etc. Now where he will go when his salary is stopped suddenly. In case of recessions he might think of a backup plan and make his position ready expecting a down fall. Here the organization did not give him time except the notice period of a few days..
Let us think for what he is removed from the job. For working so well and getting continuous good grades? If so he is costing much for the company than his peers and he shall be removed! Or for getting low grades for which the inefficiencies of the employees is not only accountable as we all know in this country people play politics even to fetch milk for the infants? So as an employee you are confused to the point that your seat is volatile whether you work or don't.
The organization benefits by replacing all the seniors with "YOUNG MINDS". Totally agreed!!! But this removal scheme also affects people who are sincere and contributed much for the company. Did the management secure their employment at least? Is this the gratitude an employee is supposed to get for working here to improve all your share rates???
Finally when such things happen what will the younger generation think??? Even when you work with highest possible quality you will be facing the same problem tomorrow. You will be afraid to move up the ladder getting promotions.. How high you go you will then be pushed off from your job easily!!!
Acting smarter and getting good digits in stock exchange.. This should not be the only purpose you are running the company for.. When you don't earn the respect of your own employees then among whom you will???
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