Apple Inc. is an American electronics manufacturing giant which produces and markets, computer software, hardware and many other consumer electronic devices worldwide. Iphones, Ipods, Ipads and Macintosh computers are the best known products that had brought billions of dollars of revenue for the company, over the years. Fortune magazine had selected Apple Inc. as the most admired company in the world consecutively for three years (2008, 2009, and 2010).
Samsung, the largest technology company in the world (in terms of sales), was the only supplier of chips for the electronic gadgets manufactured by Apple Inc. This South Korean multinational corporation has a numerous international businesses under its large umbrella of establishments such as Samsung electronics, Samsung Heavy Industries (world’s 2nd largest ship builder), Samsung Life Insurance, Samsung Everland, etc. . . .
A5 chips from Samsung were been used in the ipad 2, which was the recent hit in the market from the American company. Now Apple Inc. had made a new deal regarding the production of chips and circuitries for its future gadgets, with a Taiwan-based company named TSMC. Notably, TSMC had started trial manufacturing of next generation chips to be used with Apple products. Prior to the deal, it has updated its technology and production capacity at a massive expense of $7.8 billion.
As A-x chips were used from customarily in Apple products, Apple Inc. shall request TSMC to manufacture A5-similar chips. But the patent for the system design and the memory packaging of A-x series of chips lies with Samsung. Hence, chipsets has to be redesigned and tested before use, which is an additional issue to be resolved.
The reason behind Apple Inc.’s decision could be its ongoing disputes with Samsung over certain patents and other chip design issues. Moreover, Samsung had become Apple Inc.’s toughest competitor in the sales of smartphones and tablet devices. In spite of the cold war between these two companies, analysts say that both the companies shall need each other for their growth. A few other sources suspect that Apple Inc. would not put up 100% of the chip requirements before TSMC and its partnership with Samsung shall continue but in a reduced phase. However, it is not going to be easy for Apple Inc. to pick up business all of a sudden with its new friendship and all the three companies involved shall look for their gain by cobbling issues with one another…
To, All the inhabitants of this world... Yes... Nature is wonderful... There are reasons...... There are plenty of species living in harmony with one another (of course among them one is exceptional) in this same world. Wherever you go, you'd find a neighbourhood offered to you by nature. It's up to you to engage them in a way that may please you. The one very basic scheme that is been subjected upon all the beings of this world is the 'Survival of the Fittest', which means living beings with more strength, prowess, deadly skills, etc. predominantly lead their life as they wish than those so-called inferior beings. But still those so-called inferior living beings do exist and astonishingly their count is comparable (or more ) with that of those superiors .This is because nature has a number of cyclic processes that happen always for the well being of both the categories (inferiors and superiors). Even though living beings are categorized in tho...
Watched the movie Aramm - and felt the story close to my heart. The story was weaved around a government officer, having a mission of rescuing a little girl from a deep pit, dug for a futile search of water. She had a lot of people to handle like the girl’s parents, the public, MLA, Minister, media and her own staff. Pressure around her was tremendously built with all of their opinions, disapprovals, ideas, emotional responses, etc. Yet, she was supposed to think straight and win the situation. Else someone dies. When my mother brought home such stories, I really never understood the magnitude and the intensity of the situations she would have just faced. All I knew was that, my mother was always expected to be late for the dinner. Like every other child in the neighborhood, I would like to play in the evenings with my friends. But my mother sent me to tuition as otherwise I would be all alone since she would not be back at home to attend me. During elections, my father take...
The organization doesn't know the impact on the employee when he is just said to walk away from the job one day due to many reasons for which he is not directly responsible! He might have a number of commitments & plans which he must attend to with his income like loans, etc. Now where he will go when his salary is stopped suddenly. In case of recessions he might think of a backup plan and make his position ready expecting a down fall. Here the organization did not give him time except the notice period of a few days.. Let us think for what he is removed from the job. For working so well and getting continuous good grades? If so he is costing much for the company than his peers and he shall be removed! Or for getting low grades for which the inefficiencies of the employees is not only accountable as we all know in this country people play politics even to fetch milk for the infants? So as an employee you are confused to the point that your seat is volatile whether you work or ...
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